April 17, 2023 -Durt Fibo
People in the United States and throughout the world are learning that they are helpless subjects to the reigning malcontents in America’s congress. These malcontents are nihilistic in their rages, incoherent yet noisy, and exude overwhelming odors of human waste.
One glistening example of such political byproducts is the bellicose congresswoman representing the 14th district of the state of Georgia. No reporter nor reader would want a list of her exhausting idiocies here, but. by dint of force, she now sits on such guiding cabals as the Committee on Homeland Security, which in fact determines actions far beyond the US border.
Regarding a person of such influence, we are obliged to consider who exactly is responsible for dumping her on all of us. Georgia’s 14th district has a total population of circa 777,456 people (of all ages). In the year 2020, its representative quit prematurely and a special election was held in which Marjorie Taylor Greene received a mere 229,827 votes, but won because her Democratic Party opponent only got 77,798 -despite his having withdrawn from the election beforehand. When she was required to run for a real term in 2022, her support dropped down to just 170,162 votes, while the Democrat Marcus Flowers garnered 88.189 – an increase over his accidental predecessor.
In this manner 336 million American citizens became engulfed by the effluvia of the representative of a lazy total of 170,162 people living in the northwest corner of Georgia.