August 14, 2022 -Durt Fibo

On Friday, the same day Salman Rushdie was nearly assassinated, J.K. Rowling –the most famous children’s author on earth– received a threat to her life in response to her tweeted reaction: “Horrifying news. Feeling very sick right now. Let him be OK.”

That is the entirety of what Rowling said. Clearly that devastated the chicken-wire morals of a person named Meer Asif Asiz, who tweeted in reply: “Don’t worry you are next.” Asiz, or at least the same ‘user name’ had around the same time tweeted praises and congratulations for Rushdie’s attacker.

Upon reporting the mortal threat to Twitter, the company replied to her: “After reviewing the available information, we determined that there were no violations of the Twitter rules in the content you reported. We appreciate your help, and encourage you to reach out again in the future if you see any potential violations.”