January 19, 2023 -Durt Fibo


As I wrote on June 24th (First Questions On Reading Today’s 213 Page Ruling): “Why did the Heritage Foundation or the Federalist Society barely clean up the dishonorable Alito’s kitty-litter box of irrelevancies and pubescent grievances that comprised his illogical draft opinion? Have they decided that legal knowledge is now extraneous to society? Why has the internal investigation into the May 2 leak slunk from view? Did the spoor lead too close to the garrulous dishonorable Thomases? After interrogating staff and clerks, but NONE of the Justices, will the Roberts-ordered hunt itself thus violate the law against self-dealing?”

Today the Supreme Court released a statement closing the leak investigation, saying that all leads had been followed up and forensic analysis performed, but “the team has to date been unable to identify a person responsible by a preponderance of the evidence.” The 7-month-long investigation had been led by the Supreme Court Marshal Gail Curley (aka Curly Joe), who asserts that 97 court employees were interviewed and all denied being the leaker. Curly Joe dismissed the idea that the court’s information technology systems were compromised.

Although the final report laying the case to rest was not signed by Curly Joe herself, it did bear her trademark brilliance, by noting that the justices were not investigated at all, with the focus constrained to permanent employees and law clerks.