September 25, 2022 -Durt Fibo
Putin’s mouthpiece, Dmitry Peskov, had to explain his own son’s refusal to be part of Russia’s 300,000-man mobilization to fight in Ukraine. Here is the video of a joke played on 32 year old Nikolay Peskov by the Popular Politics radio & TV group, who have ties with imprisoned Russian dissident Alexei Navalny, in which the caller (Dmitry Nizovtsev?) pretends to be a military officer demanding to know why the young Peskov has not responded to the (non-existent) summons to appear at the barracks by 10:00 the next morning. Nikolay uses his father’s name and position as an excuse. When news of the prank later started to spread, Father Peskov tried to fix things by insisting that the entire text of the telephone conversation be published, to show his son’s willingness to enlist. Of course, the damage-control was just another embarrassing defeat.