FEDERICO GARCIA LORCA: June 5, 1898 – 19 August 19, 1936
July 19, 2022 -Durt Fibo
“I will always be on the side of those who have nothing.” -Federico Garcia Lorca. July 19,1936 sparked the rising of the Spanish working class to defend the Spanish Republic against a coup launched by Generals Emilio Mola, Manuel Goded Llopis, and Francisco Franco. The coup was additionally supported by the religious-fascist Falange., as well as Mussolini’s fascist land, air and sea forces, and Hitler’s nazi land and air power. Lorca was executed by Falangists in Grenada, exactly one month later. This photo shows Lorca, piloting his friend Luis Buñuel, circa 1922, during his student days at the Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid. Their mutual friend from the Residencia was a young painter named Salvador Dalí.