November 13, 2022 -Durt Fibo
Blind is an anonymous chat app where employees can anonymously (apart from all one’s joining data, like the required work email address) leave reviews of companies they work at. Registered in Gyeonggi, South Korea, as teamblind.com, it was created in 2013, and has become widely used in the USA since 2015, as pioneered by Alex Shin.
By this weekend the Blind app was overrun with remarks from blindsided Twitter employees and suddenly-ex-employees who’ve been splattered by the whims of new-owner Elon Musk. One sunny user wrote: “I don’t think Twitter will announce bankruptcy. It’s just how he operates his companies. If his companies are always on the verge of bankruptcy, his employees can be made to work to death. Manufactured crisis to keep the employees in a state of terror. If he says his companies are doing well and employees can now chill, he will have to improve the working conditions and pay them well. So he never lets it happen. He still collects his billions worth of paychecks.”